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Great Lakes satellite image

The World Beyond the Headlines

“Asian Carp Invasion: Potential Economic and Ecological Impacts in the Great Lakes”

April 6, 2010

A public examination and discussion of the the threat of Asian carp to Chicago and the Great Lakes.

The spread of Asian carp toward the Great Lakes continues to cause great controversy. Electric barriers and poisons have been used to halt their spread, but the species still seem to be advancing up the Illinois River, through Chicago waterways, and into Lake Michigan. Some biologists and environmentalists maintain that Asian carp would cause an ecological disaster in the Great Lakes, and a case is pending in the Supreme Court to force the closure of Chicago area navigation locks to slow their spread. Despite these claims and court actions, there remains significant uncertainty about how severely Asian carp would impact the Great Lakes, and how effectively different management strategies would slow their spread.

This panel, hosted by the Shedd Aquarium, provided a public examination and discussion of the threat of Asian carp to Chicago and the Great Lakes. Experts in biology, economics and policy shared the most up to date information about how these species threaten the ecology of the Great Lakes, how closing Chicago waterways would affect the regional economy, and the broader implications for the Great Lakes region and environmental management. The event was hosted by the Shedd Aquarium.

From the World Beyond the Headlines lecture series. Cosponsored by the Program on the Global Environment in partnership with the Chicago Council on Science and Technology.